Fourth application round for Meanwhile Use Scheme starts on November 1st: spaces in Tampere and Nokia available

The fourth round of applications for the Meanwhile Use Scheme trialled by Operation Pirkanmaa begins. Meanwhile Use spaces will be available in Tampere as well as Nokia.
The Meanwhile Use scheme was conceived in conjunction with Tampere26, Tampere’s bid for European Capital of Culture, and has seen further development since 2021 by the City of Tampere as part of the regional cultural development project Operation Pirkanmaa.
The idea behind the Meanwhile Use scheme is that temporarily vacant spaces are offered to cultural and arts operators free of charge through an open call. This model can alleviate the lack of cultural working spaces temporarily, and also provides opportunities to create site-specific art concepts.
The Spring 2024 call is now open until 10 December 2023 at 23:59. This round of applications offers a total of six different spaces.
The city of Nokia continues to participate in the Meanwhile Use Scheme
In the last round of applications, Nokia joined Tampere in the scheme. Nokia has found the Meanwhile Use scheme to be useful, and the city is keen to keep the activities going.
– We have received good feedback from current operators as well from through wider conversations about cultural facilities, says co-ordinator of culture Pia Keltti from the city of Nokia’s cultural services.
– We are preparing the matter in close co-operation with facility services, and will also offer the first floor of the Art House and classrooms in Nokia’s old upper secondary school in this application round. The temporary nature of this operating model is well understood: the temporarily vacant spaces will be filled with activity, and cultural operators will have the opportunity to try out more experimental uses. The Meanwhile Use operation feels like a natural part of developing cultural facilities in Nokia, Keltti says happily.
Tampere offers familiar spaces
Tampere will also offer familiar spaces from previous years. The popular business premises at Pyynikki swimming pool are available, as are Kaleva’s industrial hall and two spaces in Lielahti Manor in Hiedanranta. – The fourth round of the Meanwhile Use Scheme includes popular, tried and tested spaces in Tampere and Nokia. It is wonderful that we have Nokia joining us on this round of applications, says Operation Pirkanmaa’s producer Sami Siltanen.
Cultural and art operators can apply for Meanwhile Use spaces to use to make, perform, or exhibit works, carry out projects or organise open cultural activities for the community. The Meanwhile Use space must contribute to or host some form of cultural activity that is open to the public.
Sami Siltanen
044 481 1329
Ilona Kyykoski
Project Manager
040 706 5431
Pia Keltti
040 133 4101