The shortlist for the City of Tampere’s two-stage public art competition has been decided

The art competition will seek a permanent work of art for Tampere's Tapiola Park and at the same time remind us of the close friendship between Tampere and Tartu. The competition was open to artists with links to Tartu County.
In the first stage, 24 portfolios were submitted, and the jury selected 3 artists to go through to the next stage.
The finalists are:
Jass Kaselaan
Maarit Mälgi
Timo Toots
The winner will be selected in June 2023 and the artwork itself will be on display in 2024, the European Capital of Culture year in Tartu.
More information on the art competition:
The next phase of Tapiola Park Art Competition starts — Public Art Agency Finland (
Tampereen kaupunki käynnisti julkisen taidekilpailun Tarton alueella – Operaatio Pirkanmaa